You are welcome at Audubon Park Church no matter where you are in your faith journey. We offer a variety of classes and small groups to meet you where you are, and provide a community in which you can learn and grow.

Check out these opportunities to learn and grow with us this Spring! 


Walk HUMBLY: A Study of the Prophet Micah

with pastor geoff  |  IN-PERSON & on ZOOM

wednesdays @ noon, March 5-April 9

The prophet Micah brought a message of judgement and hope to the nation of Judah from God. Micah accused the people of sin and injustice, particularly injustice against the poor and vulnerable. But he also had a message of hope that countered these warnings and told of the restoration that God would one day bring about. Join us as we explore Micah's message to the people of Judah and how it might apply in our day too. 

There's no book required for this course other than a good study bible (like the SBL Study Bible). 


Be sure to register for the class using the button above to receive the zoom link and other info for the class 

Disarming Leviathan: Loving Your CHristian Nationalist Neighbor

with Pastor Geoff  |  IN-PERSON & on ZOOM

tuesdays @ 6:30pm, mARCH 4-aPRIL 1

We have recently seen a resurgence of Christian Nationalism in our country - a worldview that claims to be Christian but is rooted in ideas about power, race, and property that are irreconcilable with Christian faith. 

In Disarming Leviathan, Caleb Campbell equips Christians to minister to their Christian nationalist neighbors. He introduces the basics of Christian nationalism and explores the reasons so many people are attracted to it. He also addresses a variety of American Christian nationalist talking points and offers questions and responses that humbly subvert these claims and cultivate deeper, heart-level conversations.

Required book: Disarming Leviathan: Loving Your Christian Nationalist Neighbor by Caleb E. Campbell (available on Amazon, Aunties, and other booksellers. $14 if you order it from the church by March 2)

Be sure to register for the class using the button above to recieve the zoom link and other info for the class.