Due to the Covid-19 Pandemic, we are not holding in person worship services, groups or meetings. Visit our new page, Kids Ministry Online for info on weekly Zoom gatherings and weekly bible lessons you can do from home! Email Pastor Geoff Helton to get the password you'll need to access this part of our website. 

Infants - Grade 5

We are committed to helping our children grow in their faith by teaching them first and foremost they are created by and loved by God.  This is a pledge we make as a community, working with parents in this important endeavor. Below you can see what children's ministry looks like here at Audubon Park United Methodist Church.

Throughout the year we host many fun family events like movie nights, Halloween Hullabaloo, Easter Egg hunt and much more. Don’t miss a thing by signing up for monthly emails from Pastor Geoff here.

Nursery (Infant - Potty Trained)

Sunday Mornings 8:45-11:45 am


At Audubon Park Church, children are always welcome to remain in worship. We know that they won't always behave perfectly and won't always understand what is going on, but our hope is that they'll understand that church is a place where they are loved and accepted. We also know that sometimes parents need a fun safe place for their kids to be while they attend worship. We're here for you if you need us.

The nursery can be a place for you to drop off your child with the knowledge that they will be well-cared for. It can also just be a quiet place to sit with your infant or toddler, a place to nurse, or change a diaper.

CAmp AUdubon Sunday School

(Potty Trained - Grade 5)

Sunday Mornings at 9:00 & 10:30 am  


Children start out in worship with the grownups and then are guided by one of our "Camp Counselors" to Camp Audubon, the children's ministry at Audubon Park Church, for a morning of fun and learning. At both 9:00 am & 10:30 am children will sit around the campfire for a bible story, watch a short video, eat a snack, and do fun games and activities. You might play with Legos, read a story in the tent, or climb the climbing wall.

Parents are invited to pick up their children at Camp Audubon after the service. On the first Sunday of the month the kids join us for Communion and will sit together in the front pew to finish out the worship service and wait for their parents to pick them up.